
Why is apparel inventory management software important in the Fashion industry nowadays?

The fashion industry in general and apparel in particular is currently a highly competitive industry. where customers’ needs constantly change while the life cycle of products is very short. And in this booming fashion combined with the current fast food trend and fast fashion as well, customers also have more sophisticated preferences and are becoming more and more selective in their purchases. Meanwhile, the global economic crisis recently caused consumer spending to decline.

Due to the above factors, you can not just stay there and do the same things as before. Differentiation is really important to attract your customers. Having your customer experience better than your competitors is key to survival, and effectively managing your customers is essential to achieving that. Furthermore, your inventory management must also be optimized to avoid overstocking or out-of-stock situations.

And that doesn’t just happen to the garment industry, some fields of fashion accessories such as clothing, shoes, jewelry, and handbags also face the same situation.

EMERGE is a cloud-based order, purchase, and inventory management software brimming with features, shortcuts, and clever hacks for your business. EMERGE will impress you with its abilities as software to handle apparel inventory management problems and increase your customer experience as well as supply chain accuracy.

How and Why do EMERGE work as the best apparel inventory software for the apparel and fashion accessories industry?

Aside from the usual features you’d expect to find in a global fashion ERP software, we’ve built-in features that make it easier to manage your stock of clothing, shoes, cosmetics, and accessories

Categorize your customers

With apparel inventory software you can classify your customers into multiple segments based on their repeat purchase rate and purchasing behavior

Therefore, you will be provided with classified customers list and you will see who your main consumers are. I am sure that you would never want to disappoint them

Promotions are also considered for these types of customers. Based on their purchase history, EMERGE can help you create specific discounts for them, buy more save more

In apparel inventory management, prioritizing the needs of your key consumers is really important to maintain the relationship with them. Because sometimes, your stock is not enough to meet the demands of all customers. And EMERGE will help you choose the customers who are prioritized to buy your products.

Multi-matrix management

In the fashion industry, tracking the sheer number of size, color and design options for each product can be overwhelming

EMERGE lets you create as many product variants as you need for all of your fashion products. When it is needed, you can track and adjust as much as you want. Moreover, when a customer asks you about that variant, you can easily check if it’s in stock or was sold out..

This multi-matrix in our software for apparel inventory management will create a cloud-based system to manage your products down to the smallest variations

Handheld barcode scanning

Using barcodes is a prominent feature in our apparel inventory software. It helps you track and update the stock of products. On the other hand, it also can help speed up your workflow with scanning functionality.

Just grab and start scanning to add items to orders and sales, transfer inventory, and submit orders

And to save even more time, you don’t even have to start with a new order or sales order. Instead, scan and a new order will be automatically created

Reports and Forecasting

EMERGE will generate reports on your business activities and you can have a visual view of your business situation

Determining who your best sellers are and which products are trending right now isn’t a big deal

From the reports that our apparel inventory management software provides you, you will have the basis to predict what you should order next month and avoid overstocking.

In conclusion, we have optimized EMERGE with many features for the fashion, accessories and apparel industry to tailor to your order processing, product & inventory management. With variant product management allowing you to manage multiple variants like sizes, color and type together with Matrix table ordering, you can rapidly add items into the sales or purchase order in bulk. If you’re also selling online, we’re also integrated with Shopify and Woocommerce, providing an extra sales channel for you to get your products out. All & all, the accessories & apparel inventory software will help you reduce mistakes, increase efficiency & overall boost profits. EMERGE accessories & apparel inventory management is your choice


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